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为给深陷困境的传统武术技艺提供突破路径,主要运用对比分析法,在与球类运动、西方武技、日本武道等运动进行对比并深入剖析自身特色基础上,从4方面解析了中华传统武术技艺当代传承发展的具体方略(1)夯实基础,稳固根脉,紧扣最根本的技击本质而传承发展;(2)尽快实现现代转型,完成文明化跨越,步入飞速发展的快车道;(3)提炼自身特色,紧紧把握“以武会友”,开辟人类武技文明化技艺交流的新方向;(4)进军学校教育领域,充分发挥自身独有的精神教育价值。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for understanding money users’ relation to monetary governance institutions. It first describes the stakes involved in monetary governance from a neo-chartalist/MMT perspective. In a second step, it discusses existing contributions on the relation between money issuer and money users, highlighting the literatures on central bank legitimacy and the social construction of money. It argues that neither allows for an analysis of the relation between monetary institutions and money users that takes the latter’s knowledge seriously. It then argues that the concept of moral economy can enrich scholarly analysis. Moral economies of money are defined as collective practices in which money users articulate demands as part of an understanding of money as a public good. Finally, the paper deploys the moral economy of money perspective to reconstruct the changing relation between institutions of monetary governance and money users since the Great Depression in the U.S. It shows how New Dealers silenced a moral economy of money, discusses fragmented moral economies after World War II, and the partial reemergence of such moral economies after the Great Financial Crisis. The paper concludes by discussing political implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   
现代学徒制是当前我国高职教育领域的改革热点,是破解高职教育人才培养质量与社会人才需求脱节这一症结的"良药",也是今后高职教育改革与发展的方向。通过梳理国内学者关于现代学徒制的研究文献,将研究主题大致分为现代学徒制的内涵与特征、国内外现代学徒制发展史、实施路径及案例研究、现代学徒制的制度研究以及现代学徒制的现实问题与努力方向等方面。通过比较学者的不同观点,引出现代学徒制的诸多待解问题,探索了初步方案。  相似文献   

This article analyzes different ontological categories and how they relate to the conservation of contemporary art. Faced with the necessity of apprehending the work of art from an ontological point of view, a theoretical approach is made on the concepts that most affect the conservation of contemporary art: quiddity, truth-authenticity, identity, quality, consistency, and interpretation. These are analyzed from an empirical perspective, based on the experience of conservation and restoration. Since conserving and restoring require making decisions that will affect the material and conceptual plane of the works, several possible paradigms that must be introduced into the deontological code of the profession are analyzed. In addition, the study of a new paradigm is provided, that of the death of the work of art. This paradigm can serve as a frame of reference, given the impossibility of bringing the ‘Truth’ of the artwork into the world of the sensitive. This may occur due to different conditioning factors and limitations of a material, technical, or intentional type, which affect issues that were once established as essential to the entity. On the other hand, different types of time that are related to the conservation of contemporary art are studied: biological time, the eternal present of the work, time as a constructor agent, and destructive time as a facilitator of the appearance of ruin or ruin-relic in the work of art.  相似文献   
Martin to Brown     
The rise of the modern Black Lives Matter movement can be traced back to two key events, the 2012 death of Trayvon Martin and the 2014 death of Michael Brown. Research routinely showed that mainstream media’s narrative choices marginalize and delegitimize protesters and their causes, a pattern known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal examination of how the same mainstream media system varied in their coverage of similar events and the degree to which journalists challenged the predicted paradigms conceptualized in other academic work. A content analysis of national newspaper coverage revealed that news before the judicial rulings focused on protesters’ tactics (violence versus peaceful) and changed to the realm of ideas (grievances and demands) after the assailants were considered not guilty of wrongdoing. No progression was found in legitimizing coverage of protests between the two cases.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、历史分析研究方法,以林语堂“闲适文学”之东冷西热现象为借鉴启示,对武术修身在清末民初、民国迄今所遭遇的历史境遇和今天所迎来的时代发展机遇进行论述。旨在呼吁新时期社会条件下,修身将作为武术之一重要价值的彰显,以促进武术未来发展之路更加宽广。主要结论:1)是社会历史发展的现实基础而非林语堂“闲适文学”的优劣,决定了其“东冷西热”现象的发生,及其独特的历史命运和遭际。2)修身在武术研究中地位的历史演绎,经历了清末民初作为提升武术文化层次和社会地位的主要抓手,到民国迄今伴随“科学”彰显对武术修身的理论忌讳及掩蔽这样两个历史节点。3)当今社会语境下修身又迎来了适宜的成长土壤;武术研究者应紧扣时代脉搏,关注修身这一武术理论研究新动向;既是武术之理论研究跟随历史演进步伐,更广层面、更深层次地造福于人类生活,也是武术自身能够在当今社会获得更广阔发展空间的一条重要途径。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 在数据驱动范式情境下,揭示政府门户网站开放数据状态及其主体行为状态之间的内部关联,推动政府数据开放效果和进程。[方法/过程] 采用爬虫方法抓取上海市政府数据门户网站中各开放数据集,在对各数据集指标进行相关分析的基础上,采用Stepwise探索其回归关系,筛选得出关联度较高的变量;进一步对关系显著的变量进行PLS回归检验,得出政府开放数据状态与其主体行为状态的内部关联。[结果/结论] 在政府数据开放进程中,政府部门的主体行为比数据自身的客体特征对公众主体行为的影响更大。在影响公众评分的因素中,政府开放保密级别的影响因子最大,且具有显著负向影响作用;政府更新频率、政府首次开放时间、数据格式可机读性对公众评分具有显著正向影响作用。  相似文献   

This article problematizes the modern construction of “love” in colonial and contemporary Taiwan and South Korea through historicizing the concept from the nineteenth century to the present. The conception of modern love in East Asia emerged during the late nineteenth century that coincided with the beginnings of civilization and nation-building discourses advocating as a strong mediator for the reconfiguration of social and intimate relationships. In the case of colonial Taiwan and Korea, the colonial governments and intellectuals constantly pivoted on “exceptions” – obscene sex, indecent behavior or illegitimate subjects – to justify their political legitimacy/hegemony to love that prescribed a normative social relationship. Fully embraced by colonial Taiwan and Korea, this mechanism was extended to their postwar regimes; that is, love is celebrated and worshiped without the recognition of its underlying ideology of discrimination and exclusion. I coin the term “love unconscious” to characterize the colonial legacies of love in the contemporary social movements in Taiwan and South Korea. Furthermore I examine how both religious groups and LGBTQ activism were stuck in the “love unconscious” with two cases of contested love: the definition of love in the dictionary, and the rhetoric of love in (anti-)same-sex marriage movements. This article argues that Taiwan and South Korea's LGBTQ and marriage movements are based neither on Western discourses nor inspiration, but are instead driven by the reality and legacy of colonial history. To envisage the decolonization of love is to deconstruct the love unconscious and reconsider the history of colonial love.  相似文献   
伴随着社会的高速发展,现代教育技术已经有了质的飞跃,现代教育方式、教学思想与教学目标都受到了现代教育技术的影响。本文主要是采用文献资料法、调查法以及思维方法等对现代教育技术对体育教学中的应用进行研究。通过研究现代教育技术对体育教学的优势以及应用得出以下结论,体育教学的借助现代教学技术解决了体育教师边讲解边示范;解决了一些较为复杂技术动作的展示;解决了枯燥单一的传统体育教学模式等。因此,现代教育技术在体育教学中的应用值得体育教师尝试与研究。  相似文献   
社会经济学从萌芽发展繁荣,期间形成了众多流派,影响较大的主要有三大流派:天主教社会经济学、人本主义社会经济学、奥地利派社会经济学。天主教社会经济学强调受到天主教教义的指导,人本主义社会经济学则是以人为中心来开始研究,奥地利派社会经济学强调经济社会是一个整体。在发展过程中,奥地利派社会经济学到了21世纪30年代发展演变成了"奥地利经济学派";人本主义社会经济学则另立山头,出现了发展专门的人本主义经济学的趋势;天主教社会经济学则不断淡化宗教色彩,扩大开放,借鉴吸收其他学科的最新理论成果,大有融合、包容其他社会经济学的倾向。现阶段,当代社会经济学还在快速发展中,其发展走向还有待观察。  相似文献   
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